The ISO work group that is responsible for the development and improvement of ISO 8000 standard called the ISO Technical Committee 184, sub-committee 4, work group 13(TC 184 SC4 WG13) held their biannual meeting in October 2016 in Seattle, Washington, USA. Representatives from 12 of the 17 voting countries attended the work sessions and the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) was represented by Dr Salomon de Jager in his capacity as chairman of the SABS TC 184 SC4 mirror committee.
TC 184 SC4 is the sub committee for Industrial Data and ISO 8000 was initiated approximately in 2005, actively supported by 9 countries. ISO 8000 part 100 series is completed and deals with Master Data Quality.
The current focus of this ISO 8000 sub-committee is the development of ISO 8000 part 60 series of standards which specifies the various parts of Data Quality Capability. Dr. de Jager reported that we made excellent progress on ISO 8000 part 60 series where the various parts of Data Quality Management are specified. It defines the platform from which a Data Quality Capability Assessment Model (DQCAM) can be developed.
The work sessions were concluded with a very interesting Industry Day. Standards are developed to be used practically by industry. The regular interaction between the committee and various industries that use the standards are therefore important. The ISO TC 184 meetings were held next to the Boeing Everett facilities adjacent to the Future of Flight Aviation Center. A number of the standards, which were developed by the committee, are actively used by Boeing in their exchange programs for component supply from various countries; especially the carbon fibre hull and wing assemblies in the Boeing 787 series. With the aid of standards, data exchange is modernized and manufacturing machines and robots now exchange data parameters via Twitter with human intervention limited to exceptions.
The ISO Industry Day was concluded with a very special shop floor visit and tour arranged by Boeing for the delegates of ISO TC 184 SC4.