What is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is what companies do when they embrace modern and creative ways of doing business based on technological change. It is about changing things radically using digital technologies and explaining the technology and – theoretically – societal shifts to enhance or eliminate something that has historically existed. Digital transformation is not a commodity or solution, but it affects all IT exists in all industries.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation is the incorporation of digital technologies into all aspects of the industry, radically changing the way you work and bringing value to customers. It is also a cultural transition that allows organizations to constantly question the status quo, experiment, and make themselves comfortable with failure.

Why Digital Transformation Important? The Reasons

  • Consumers expect and have a great demand.
  • Enables your workforce to be more successful.
  • Strengthening corporate relations.
  • Data security is one of the challenges facing companies or IT departments. Increased use of technology makes them more exposed to threats.
  • Make a Quicker and Better Decision.

The Key Elements of Digital Transformation

There are three central or main elements to make the digital transformation process start and evolve successfully, as mentioned below.

Vision and leadership - Most organizations have not yet defined digital transformation as a structured initiative and so corporations require clear vision and leadership to get this process underway.

Digital customer experience - This aspect is not linked to guesswork, but rather to customer actions, personality, and expectations study. Only if you are prepared with the knowledge will digital transformation take place.

The Digital Transformation Team - Companies are forming special teams to initiate the process of digital transformation. These teams are also referred to as digital circles and technical innovation teams, etc.

Digital transformation tips

Six steps can be taken by businesses to improve the form they like to see.

  • Align objectives with business goals.
  • Be bold when setting the scope.
  • IT and business must co-create.
  • Embrace adaptive design.
  • Adopt agile execution.

What are the stages of digital transformation?

The 6 stages of digital transformation

  • Business status quo: The present state of your company
  • Current and involved: A time in which you spark new and increased digital literacy in the whole business
  • Formalized: Initiatives become clearer when experimentation is more deliberate and you start searching for leadership buy-in
  • Strategic: The stage where groups begin to work together and share their research to build strategic transformation plans
  • Converged: The establishment of a digital transformation team to direct the plan, set targets, and build systems to support the transformation
  • Innovative and adaptive: In order to continue to change the company, digital transformation becomes part of the business and management develops a technology tracking and market trends framework.

What is a digital transformation strategy?

A Digital Transformation Strategy is an action plan that outlines how a company needs to reposition itself strategically in the digital economy. The way winning companies work as consumer expectations change. They innovate, alter business models and exploit innovations.

Digitalization experts and design consultants direct you through your digital transformation preparation and acceleration through:

  • Working together on an ambitious, yet realistic and feasible digitalization road map
  • align all solution components and weaknesses to a viable production architecture, with technical transparency
  • Ensuring that the road toward change is focused on practical experience while reducing risk in trend technology and solutions
  • Development of a partnering model to allow value transformation, predictability, speed, confidence, and responsiveness

Factors for successful digital transformation

Adequate investment into digital marketing initiatives is required to achieve transformational success. A transformation program is recommended to ensure appropriate investment through these six pillars

Digital marketing governance or management: Governance determines the tools and infrastructures necessary for the implementation of marketing, marketing, and commercial relations policies, action plans, resources, budgets, and dashboards of the KPI. Marketing technology, info, insight, and optimization are the main infrastructure investments.

Digital goals and measurement: Establishing SMART targets and identifying priorities infrequent review analytics and corrective steps using digital marketing dashboards.

Digital media: Create recognition through the incorporation of compensated, controlled, and earned media with ample investment to gain exposure as prospects for your goods and services.

Digital content marketing: Develop premium, industry-leading content to fuel your marketing campaigns, from social search to email.

Digital customer experience: Optimize websites, applications, social media accounts and how they combine to engage, explain and transform with consumer-focused sales and support personnel.

Digital messaging or ‘conversation marketing’: Upgrading, informing, and cultivating prospects and consumers via blogs, email, and mobile alerts through customized communications.

PiLog Digital Transformation:

PiLog Digital Transformation is one of the value-enabled solutions offering service to various industries. Our strategy for transformation involves analysis of market trends and technology innovation to achieve the best results in the digital transformation journey.

PiLog team of experts understands the entire business of your organization and provides tailor-made solutions that suit your business

Our analysis involves:

  • Analyze untapped pain points and possibilities to unlock the whole potential
  • Analysis of differences in inefficiencies and redundancies
  • Assess the approach of the company to modern technology and applications
  • Budget and financial capital understanding to organize your plan, define goals and reach
  • Establish a digital road map for transformation in line with changing digital environment to ensure business growth


Digital Transformation means updating or renovating IT-supported business processes and business models so that the emphasis is on business processes and business models, not on IT.

More Data-based insight You can track metrics and evaluate data during your digital marketing campaigns by using the digital media. Using data-driven insights can help consumers better understand and also refine corporate policies, help them to make better decisions and pave the way for higher returns.

Greater coordination across divisions Digital Transformation provides an excellent opportunity to build on digital congruence across the company. You will find a quick, seamless transition when you find everybody aligned for a common goal.

Digital transformation consists of four types: business processes, business models, domains and culture/business.