ThinkLab-Thinklinkers event for 2024

PiLog Group is featured in the discussion in ThinkLinkers Event-2024 on the topic ”Is Your Data Ready or To be AI-ready?”

4th of April at 2: 30 PM IST


An inspiring and enlightening event is going to be held online on the 4th of April at 2:30 PM IST featuring our CEO Dr Imad Syed, PiLog Group and Pio Marolla from ThinkLinkers on the topic titled" Is Your Data Ready or To be AI-ready?. The discussion also includes key prerequisites for successful AI adoption and AI's prominent role in Data Quality, Master Data Management, and Data Governance.

We all know DATA is an ASSET. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in data management improves data quality, accessibility, and security. Don't be left behind in the AI race. Be AI-ready!. So, don't miss the opportunity to attend the event if you want to make your company or organization AI-ready. Listen to some amazing insights from Dr Imad Syed, the leader in master data management. You can also connect with people across the world and get ideas on how to manage your data best and at scale. Participants can have interactive Q&A and discussions with the speaker Dr Imad Syed.

We, along with ThinkLinkers, inviting you to the virtual meeting. Hope, we will connect on the 4th of April at 11 AM ET without fail. .